

Posted by Unknown

Project-based learning (PBL) is a learning method that uses problems as a first step in gathering and integrating new knowledge based on their experiences in real activity. PBL is designed for use on required complex problems lessons in conducting investigations following and to understanding. PBL sense according to some experts as Thomas Mergendoller and Michaelson said:
"  PBL is a systematic teaching method which includes lessons in the learning of knowledge and complex skills, pertanyaanautentik and designing products and tasks"
So PBL is learning how to constructively approach to deepening learning with research-based approach to the problems and questions are weighted, relevant to real life.
PBL takes a long time, more funds, and cotinued evaluation in practice.

Here i have an example of PBL that to orientation for speaking class.........



In this unit, students will learn about the age-old practice of storytelling and use 21th century tools to create their story more interactive.
Students will explore their imagine, promote cross-cultural understanding and build meaningful connections with others.
Students will participate in meeting to discuss the process. They will:
 1) develop a story topic
 2) write their story
 3) create or find appropriate images to support their story     and
 4) share their story and reflect on their work.


·         Students will understand that 21th storytelling is an effective way to have their voices heard and make a meaningful connection with others.
·         Students will identify a topic, brainstorm ideas around that topic and write a personal narrative.
·         Students will demonstrate an understanding of the role images play in a story and will create or find appropriate images and tools to support their story.
·         Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of digital storytelling. They will make a plan to set theme, souds, and tools for to be more interesting.
·         Students will communicate and work collaboratively with peers and teacher.

Essential Questions

1.      What is 21th century storytelling?
2.      What are the elements of a good story?
3.      Why do people tell stories?
4.      How is my personal story the same or different from others?

Supporting Questions

·         How is 21th century storytelling the same as traditional storytelling?
·         How is it different?
·         When/why would you use technical support to tell          a story?
·         What is point of view?
·What role do images, set the theme and sounds play?
·What is editing? Why is it important?

Academic Vocabulary

details, digital media, century , draft, edit, footage, image, narrate/narration, production, record, storyboard, video, theme

The culminating activity is for students to create their manuscript of narrative and share them with their peers.


Student should purpose:

·         Student reflections on the project.
·         Monitoring of all setting and consept.
·         Evaluation of 21th century storytelling for effective use of personal narrative and images

Related Resources

Internet for download sound effect, library, tips about the modern storytelling, books about interactives storytelling, scripts of interesting storytelling,

·         Create posters advertising the 21th century storytelling projects. 
·         Create a class website documenting the experience of creating a 21th storytelling and post the projects for viewing.
·         Create a manual for other classes that might like to try this project explaining the production steps.



1. What do the words "21th CENTURY storytelling" mean to you?
2. What makes an interesting story?


After watching an example of 21th century storytelling, discuss:
1. What surprised you in the video?
2. What did you learn from the video?
3. What more do you want to know?


1 .What you thought about the21th century storytelling stories that you   watched.?
2. What did you learn from the video?
4 th
How makes a good story

 Share your ideas about storytelling

5 th

1.     What made these storytelling interesting to watch?
2.      What makes a good story?

6 th

Tell your teacher what type of story you are planning to tell

7 th

Share several story ideas from your journal and tell your teacher which one you have decided on. Explain why this was your final choice!

8 th

Give your teacher a brief summary of your story

9 th

Tell your teacher:
1.      how you felt when writing your story?
2.      Was it easy or difficult for you?
3.      Do you think people will be interested in seeing it? Why?

10 th

Discuss with your teacher how images or setting can be important in a 21th century  storytelling?

11 th

·         Tell your teacher some of the ideas you had about how to make your story better with images, tools, setting, effect, sounds
·         Create posters advertising the 21th century storytelling projects

12 th

1.      Was it difficult or easy to figure out how to use a storyboard?
2.      Do you think a storyboard is helpful when creating a 21th century   storytelling?  Why or why not?

13 th

To perform or show time the storytelling project which you made.

14 th

Tell your teacher:
1.      What you thought about their story?
2.      What was your favorite part?
3.      What did you learn?
4.      How is your story the same as or different from their story?

15 th

Reflect on the project with your teacher:
1.      What was the hardest part?
2.      What did you enjoy about this project?
3.      What have you learned by making a 21th storytelling and by watching other stories?

16 th
Upload your story in class website documenting the experience of creating a 21th storytelling that you made before.

PLEASE TRY AND DO............!!

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